Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Last fall I decided I was going to put in some flower beds in my back yard. This was a pretty large undertaking for me since I've only done very small beds and only one at a time. Well I got them finished but to late in the year to really do anything to them, So I've been working on them slowly as it's gotten warmer and I really hope they will be as pretty as I've imagined.
I don't have a "green thumb" by any means. I'm more likely to kill something rather than make it grow. I've quit buying most of my flowers from the store because I can't justify spending money on something that has a 40/60 chance of making it. Instead, I've gotten stuff that other people just don't want, or are thinning out, or is half-dead at Walmart and is on clearance. I love the half-dead Walmart clearance.
I've transplanted, dug up out of fields, taken seed pods from other peoples plants and am always telling people to get me a starter. I'm trying some stuff on my rose bush clippings that makes them root and I think it's working. Well it was before I knocked over the pot with the water hose, It's repotted and I'm praying for the little guy.

I decided that this year I was going to plant a garden, I put my onions in the ground first and they are all making it so far. I tried to start peas, beans, cucumbers and a couple of other things in those little indoors seed pots. I don't know why, but none of them germinated. So I gave up and stuck them into the ground. Yesterday my peas (well they might be beans, I forgot what I planted where) were just peaking out and today the beans were as well. I've gotten my tomatoes into the ground and peppers too. I felt so proud outside watering today. I guess the real test is to not kill them before I can harvest anything off of them. But for just one tiny moment, I felt like a real farmer.


The Mize of Texas said...

Way to go Farmer Mia!

Stephanie said...

I'm jealous of the veggies! I wish we had somewhere that the dogs couldn't destroy and eat whatever I plant. As it is, I can only plant in the front yard so it has to be flowers.

As for not spending money on things that die... I highly recommend Lowe's for plants. No matter how long it's been or why they died, you can take any plants you buy at Lowe's (with the receipt) back and get new ones! It's a great deal and makes me less worried about spending money on something I may kill.