Monday, April 27, 2009

My Celebrity Moment

I had a moment today people! I could have sworn on a bible, that I was having a face to face, real life conversation with Sam Elliot about bass fishing!

A man came into the clinic to be seen and his friend brought him in. After I got all the paperwork in order and the man taken to a room, His friend asked me about my pictures I have hanging up. I started talking to him and then looked up, and low and behold! There before me stands Sam Elliot! All he needed was a dusty old red bandanna, a tied-down six shooter and a horse.

I think I froze mid-sentence for about 6 seconds and mentally thought, "Oh My Gosh! It's Sam Elliot! Be cool, be cool." and then kept on talking. So we sit there and shoot the breeze, as they used to say, for about 45 minutes or so. I'm sitting there the whole time wondering if it's possible for me to be sneaky enough to snap a picture of him with my cell phone camera. It wasn't! So we talked and I didn't embarrass myself. This old guy was one of the coolest dude's I've ever had the chance to talk to.

Turns out, He wasn't Sam. But I learned a valuable lesson today, I'm totally awesome under pressure!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

SPF 60 please

I was pulling weeds and clover out of my yard today and just realized that I have a sunburn on my bo-hiney! And it HURTS!

Somewhere in between about the September-to-now time frame, I forgot that I'm a little vampire child that burns in any type of sunlight, and I really should wear sunscreen.

Heart of Texas Wildflower Exhibit

With a headline like that, Who couldn't help but go? ME! I was surprised by how many wildflowers and "weeds" and brush I recognized. The Brownwood Garden Club hosted it, and they also had a plant sale. (Thats like saying Dillards Shoe Sale to my Mother-In-Law. I'm So there!) They had stuff cheap! We're talking $0.75 a small pot and $1.75 for a larger one. I picked out some things I didn't have to add to my collections and went inside for a closer look at the displayed flowers. I'm hoping it was just kind of slow when I stopped, because these three ladies followed me the whole time.
I wish I had my camera, But no pictures this time.
Looking at this picture, You would never guess that I fell over about 10 seconds later....

Friday, April 24, 2009

"Free dog to a good home"

Everyone I know has heard me talk about my dog. I talk about her nonstop! What do you expect? I don't have any kids. Let me add here how cute and adorable she is, she's my running buddy, best friend and coolest dog ever.
Now let me add how much I hate that stupid mutt! This year as I was putting stuff into my flower beds I was reading Better Homes and Gardens and they tell you to mix your veggies and flowers together. No big deal, I've done that before. So I planted my onion starters in the flower beds, and have been watching them grow. A couple of nights ago I went out to water and saw a literal path munched into my green, pretty little garden. That stinker figured out there were onions mixed in and she's slowly eating them as she gets hungry. You know she's thinking how awesome it was that I planted little doggie treats everywhere. It's like her own little Easter egg hunt.

Trust me, this is NOT the face of innocence!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Last fall I decided I was going to put in some flower beds in my back yard. This was a pretty large undertaking for me since I've only done very small beds and only one at a time. Well I got them finished but to late in the year to really do anything to them, So I've been working on them slowly as it's gotten warmer and I really hope they will be as pretty as I've imagined.
I don't have a "green thumb" by any means. I'm more likely to kill something rather than make it grow. I've quit buying most of my flowers from the store because I can't justify spending money on something that has a 40/60 chance of making it. Instead, I've gotten stuff that other people just don't want, or are thinning out, or is half-dead at Walmart and is on clearance. I love the half-dead Walmart clearance.
I've transplanted, dug up out of fields, taken seed pods from other peoples plants and am always telling people to get me a starter. I'm trying some stuff on my rose bush clippings that makes them root and I think it's working. Well it was before I knocked over the pot with the water hose, It's repotted and I'm praying for the little guy.

I decided that this year I was going to plant a garden, I put my onions in the ground first and they are all making it so far. I tried to start peas, beans, cucumbers and a couple of other things in those little indoors seed pots. I don't know why, but none of them germinated. So I gave up and stuck them into the ground. Yesterday my peas (well they might be beans, I forgot what I planted where) were just peaking out and today the beans were as well. I've gotten my tomatoes into the ground and peppers too. I felt so proud outside watering today. I guess the real test is to not kill them before I can harvest anything off of them. But for just one tiny moment, I felt like a real farmer.


I love Spring! It's awesome! There are birds singing, flowers are starting to bloom, warmer weather, and it's good for fishing slow with plastics (which I'm ALL about). Last year, I noticed that a sparrow that had built a nest in my shrubs. So being the super cool person I am, I put out a bird feeder and have since spent about $27.57 buying bird food. My one sparrow turned into like 37 and I have robins, little yellow bellied finches, a couple of crows, and a wren or 13. As fast as I put out food, they eat it all up. A couple of things made me realize that I'm now the crazy bird lady on our street. One was my husband, two I was watching some birdies out the window the other morning and they are FAT! Their poor little twig-for-legs were splayed out and looked ready to break. Three was I walked out of my door the other day and as I locked the door and turned around, there were about 25 birds all lined up on the edge of the gutter leaning down to look at me. Their feeder was empty and they wanted their breakfast. I like waking up and hearing them outside. It just sounds like spring.