I love Spring! It's awesome! There are birds singing, flowers are starting to bloom, warmer weather, and it's good for fishing slow with plastics (which I'm ALL about). Last year, I noticed that a sparrow that had built a nest in my shrubs. So being the super cool person I am, I put out a bird feeder and have since spent about $27.57 buying bird food. My one sparrow turned into like 37 and I have robins, little yellow bellied finches, a couple of crows, and a wren or 13. As fast as I put out food, they eat it all up. A couple of things made me realize that I'm now the crazy bird lady on our street. One was my husband, two I was watching some birdies out the window the other morning and they are FAT! Their poor little twig-for-legs were splayed out and looked ready to break. Three was I walked out of my door the other day and as I locked the door and turned around, there were about 25 birds all lined up on the edge of the gutter leaning down to look at me. Their feeder was empty and they wanted their breakfast. I like waking up and hearing them outside. It just sounds like spring. 

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I'm impressed with your picture!
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