Everyone I know has heard me talk about my dog. I talk about her nonstop! What do you expect? I don't have any kids. Let me add here how cute and adorable she is, she's my running buddy, best friend and coolest dog ever.

Now let me add how much I hate that stupid mutt! This year as I was putting stuff into my flower beds I was reading Better Homes and Gardens and they tell you to mix your veggies and flowers together. No big deal, I've done that before. So I planted my onion starters in the flower beds, and have been watching them grow. A couple of nights ago I went out to water and saw a literal path munched into my green, pretty little garden. That stinker figured out there were onions mixed in and she's slowly eating them as she gets hungry. You know she's thinking how awesome it was that I planted little doggie treats everywhere. It's like her own little Easter egg hunt.

Trust me, this is NOT the face of innocence!
I told you that would be funny!
That's the exact reason I can't plant anything in our backyard! I'd love to have a veggie garden or at least some flower beds, but nope. One of our dogs has chewed up two water hoses just this week alone! It's aggravating.
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